Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Today In Jungle Work History

Today is april 6th, 2010 a day that marks the 80th anniversary of Ghandi goin down to the beach, chillin in his cloth diaper thing (Speedoo's wern't invented yet) and made his skinny ass some salt.
so why the hell is this Jungle Work?

Simple explanation: Ghandi was taking a stand for all the Indians who were sick of having their fries without salt. i mean hell, the average Indian guy at the time couldn's afford such a luxury, the British were charging them more than a chill-zone slushy per pinch...Not fair. so along comes Ghandi, not a miracle worker like his main HO Mother Theresa, more of a salt maker if you will (In more ways than one.) Ghandi said to all of India, well got dangit Dale, if Roger and David can reunite as pink Floyd for one night, and The Police put aside their differances for a tour, then we should be able to put aside our violent fighting over wheather Burger King or McDonalds has better fries and just make some damn salt for Em!

Sheesh! israel and Palastine need to try Wendy's... Anyway..
Later Ghandi would go on to say that if Pakistan and India were ever to get along then Peter Gabriel had to join Genesis for one last show... now that sounds like a Nuclear Showdown!

Jungle Work

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